Robotic End-of-Arm Tooling
As leaders in robotic gripping solutions, Piab and SAS Automation design EOATs with modular and custom-machined components that will operate on any style or make of robot. We also partner with most leading automation companies. We are ISO 9001:2015 Quality System Certified for quality assurance. EOAT components are proudly engineered and built in one of our world class production facilities
• Reduced down-time and increased productivity thanks to our modular system
• Increased productivity through collaborative innovative thinking that solves your EOAT challenges
• Decrease your cost through our innovative inhouse engineering, manufacturing, and testing
• Increase your productivity as we can provide world-wide on-site sales, installation, training, and service
Our family of robust bag grippers are ideal for palletizing plastic, woven cloth, or paper bags containing grains, chemicals, dog food, minerals, and many other products. We off er reliable and adjustable Hybrid Bag Grippers (HBG) and our durable Fixed Bag Grippers (FBG).
• Designed for 25 and 50kg payloads
• HBG eliminates custom tooling and with adjusts in less than 30 seconds
• FBG adjusts in less than 4 minutes
• Secure solid stainless-steel gripper fi ngers
• Decking plates align for precision placement
• Optional slip sheet and pallet hooks are also available
Retracting Fork-style EOATs are particularly well suited for open-top containers and over-sized bags that must be picked from the bottom. The stroking forks are designed to pick product from a roller conveyor. The forks retract through a stationary stripper plate and the product is placed on the
• Durable secure solid stainless-steel construction
• Engineered to provide fast and reliable performance
• Optional slip sheet is also available
• Forks can also be used to pick and place a shipping pallet


Side clamp EOATs work particularly well for slip top cartons as well as heavyweight applications where a topside pick is not possible; such as 18.14 kg (40 lb.) blocks of cheese in glued-up corrugated cartons. The clamping cylinders are programmable for force applied to the carton. This also allows for multiple sizes of cartons to be palletized with the same EOAT.
• Suited for high demand environments
• Adjustable and customizable to multiple applications
• Engineered to provide fast and reliable performance
• Optional slip sheet system is also available
We provide Vacuum Plate End-of-Arm Tools to palletize single containers and even complete pallet layers. These EOATs are powered to provide superior gripping capabilities by using high-vacuum fl ow. We design and build vacuum plate EOATs for cartons, pails, and bag applications.
• Powered by vacuum turbines or venturi generators
• Plates can also be zoned for multiple pick and place
• Valved vacuum ports automatically close when there are gaps
• Designed for heavy and high vacuum fl ow applications